Friday, April 1, 2011

The Birth of a Blog

Everyone's doing it. Peer pressure, I have finally succumbed to you!

Welcome to my blog! Choosing a blog name was a lot harder than I thought it would be...or maybe I am just less creative than I thought I was. I knew I wanted it to revolve around me being short, since it's usually the first thing anyone notices about me...then I found this quote:

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future." - Tolkien

I've been called a hobbit by more than one person. One summer while living in Montana, a cute little old man came into the store every morning to buy a paper, coffee, and pastry. Every morning he'd say, "hello there hobbit, how are you today?"

Yeah, I'm short - I'll accept the name with pride. Hobbits are small, they like to have fun, and they sometimes have extraordinary adventures. I don't mind the comparison... All except the big, hairy feet. I DON'T have those.


  1. I love you!!! I look forward to reading all about you and your life in the Shire! - Love Papa Hobbit

  2. You totally have hobbit feet! I've seen them!

  3. You are the cutest ever. Way to cave to the peer pressure! ;)
