Thursday, July 7, 2011

Rough Cut

Okay, so we videoed my boxing today - i'm kind of all shadows and we go out of the shot a lot haha, so maybe at some point i'll get a better copy :)

Enjoy! Watch starting at 5:25 - all the stuff before is just warm ups. My boxing routine is 3 rounds of new school combos on southpaw, orthodox, and southpaw again.

Go to to watch - i tried to post it but it wasn't working :(


For my upcoming vacation, I got some books to read on the plane and when relaxing at the beach. :) 

Can't. Wait. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

Mean Right Hook

Today was a rough training day. My body hasn't really been feeling much of anything from training, but after today's session, I am SURE I'll be feeling this! The first two knuckles on each hand are still slightly pink and my session ended at's almost 8:30...

I'll take you through my training today, since I'm sure you're all so curious. :)

We start off warming up with tossing the medicine ball back and forth. They get a little trickier - i turn around and twist behind me to my left to catch the ball then throw it back twisting to my right, then catch right, twist, throw left. It definitely works you.

Then we drilled each combination and would add on. Combos like, double jab, hook, straight or a six hook. We did these combinations on my southpaw side (left) and then orthodox (right). I loved working these combinations and today we got down to business, talking about where each punch would land and impact and motivations, etc. Not gonna lie, I took a couple hits and they were jostling, to say the least. One combination we worked was a "catch hook," where you go in to hit your opponent with a straight punch, they dodge and go to hit you on the side of the head. You catch it by placing your glove directly next to your head to absorb the impact and then hook punch them with your other hand in the ribs. One of my favorite combinations is the "Six Hook." You start with your lead hand and punch 1, then alternate 2,3,4,5,6 and when the opponent swings at you, you make a "buffy-like" dodge by ducking underneath, moving your body in a circle, and coming back up to deliver a hard hook.

My hook is awesome. Hadyn is always impressed by how much strength I put into it and land it every time. I've learned how much power to put behind each punch and how the gloves feel to deliver that perfect hit that makes this "crack" against the training mits. It's a pretty cool sound. I was definitely perspiring by the end of the combo series.

Next, we worked on kicks. These are some of the hardest things I've ever had to do. They require such balance and strength that I just don't have yet. Yesterday, we learned a side kick, straight kick, roundhouse kick, and a hook kick. Today, we added a hook-over-top and roundhouse - basically you swing your leg over and then roundhouse them. The difficult part of training kicks is we do them in a pyramid style - starting with three singles on each leg, then doubles, then triples, then doubles, then singles. Trying to keep your leg in the air after that first kick to deliver two more is really really horrible - I was not very good and felt a little embarrassed, since usually people stop to watch my sessions (no one really expects such a tiny girl to be boxing). When we learned a spin hook using the rear leg...well, I suck at explaining these - so watch this video on hook kicks...

We did spin hooks in a pyramid, too - try doing these in doubles and

I left the session today feeling tired, worked, and a little disappointed in myself. My kicks were not very good and I fumbled a few combos. I have to remember that I'm learning though and it'll get better with time as long as I'm patient with myself. Even though I didn't feel like it was my best training day, it was still really fun and a great workout, especially with hot pink boxing gloves.